As you can see from the picture, my belly is getting very BIG! Evan is not going to know what to do when his sissy arrives because he will not have anything to rest on when I hold him.
Eden is due April 4th, which is Easter Sunday and also Eric's biological mom's birthday. That means that she will be here is seven weeks or less. We are very excited about her arrival and cannot wait to have both babies at home with us.
The doctor says everything is looking really good. We are going to the doctor every two weeks now to keep a check on her. She is very active and wiggles a lot in my tummy! He says that she is head down and hopes she will stay like that till delivery.
Eric and I are going to a birthing class on Saturday at Baylor and I am looking forward to learning lots of information. I am most excited about the tour of the maternity floor. I hear that the Baylor facility is super nice!
We will keep you updated at Eden's due date gets closer.
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