Saturday morning, Eric and I headed over the Dallas for our all day birthing class. We were looking forward to learning lots of information and hopefully becoming a little more prepared for Eden's big day. Our doctor had recommended a birthing class taught by Margie Wallis and we were super pleased with his recommendation. She was very knowledgeable and had lots of great information, breathing techniques and relaxation strategies to share with us. Now, I don't know if we feel more prepared after the class or more overwhelmed with all the information :) but we are very glad that we attended. For the class, we had to take 4 pillows, a blanket and snacks. The picture shows me right before the class started with my bundle of pillows and blanket.
33 Weeks
Here are a couple of pictures that Eric took of me last week before work one morning. In the pictures I am 33 1/2 weeks. Some people say I look HUGE but my doc says I am just RIGHT!
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