The laugh of a child (especially your own) is a sound that NEVER gets old!
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. Ephesians 1:4-5
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Our Birthing Class
Saturday morning, Eric and I headed over the Dallas for our all day birthing class. We were looking forward to learning lots of information and hopefully becoming a little more prepared for Eden's big day. Our doctor had recommended a birthing class taught by Margie Wallis and we were super pleased with his recommendation. She was very knowledgeable and had lots of great information, breathing techniques and relaxation strategies to share with us. Now, I don't know if we feel more prepared after the class or more overwhelmed with all the information :) but we are very glad that we attended. For the class, we had to take 4 pillows, a blanket and snacks. The picture shows me right before the class started with my bundle of pillows and blanket.
33 Weeks
Here are a couple of pictures that Eric took of me last week before work one morning. In the pictures I am 33 1/2 weeks. Some people say I look HUGE but my doc says I am just RIGHT!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Waiting on Eden!
As you can see from the picture, my belly is getting very BIG! Evan is not going to know what to do when his sissy arrives because he will not have anything to rest on when I hold him.
Eden is due April 4th, which is Easter Sunday and also Eric's biological mom's birthday. That means that she will be here is seven weeks or less. We are very excited about her arrival and cannot wait to have both babies at home with us.
The doctor says everything is looking really good. We are going to the doctor every two weeks now to keep a check on her. She is very active and wiggles a lot in my tummy! He says that she is head down and hopes she will stay like that till delivery.
Eric and I are going to a birthing class on Saturday at Baylor and I am looking forward to learning lots of information. I am most excited about the tour of the maternity floor. I hear that the Baylor facility is super nice!
We will keep you updated at Eden's due date gets closer.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Life is SWEET!
Today, Evan ate baby food for the first time and is now...
IN LOVE with Sweet Potatoes!

Mmm Mmm!! Good to the VERY LAST drop!

What Sweet Potatoes???

I'm trying to decide if i liked it. can I get them to give me some more of that stuff???

YEA!!! I DID IT! I ate BIG BOY FOOD! No looking back now!
IN LOVE with Sweet Potatoes!
Mmm Mmm!! Good to the VERY LAST drop!
What Sweet Potatoes???
I'm trying to decide if i liked it. can I get them to give me some more of that stuff???
YEA!!! I DID IT! I ate BIG BOY FOOD! No looking back now!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow Day!
This morning when we woke up we were very suprised to see the ground covered in snow. We have enjoyed watching it from inside the house. Even our little sick (although seemingly getting better) Evan loved watching the snow from the window. When Eric got home from work, he measured the snow on the picnic table and the ruler showed about 4 1/2 inches. The snow has been so pretty. It has snowed all day and as I type this tonight it is still snowing. It was a great day to stay inside and get both mom and baby well!

Still Sick!
Yesterday afternoon my mom and I took Evan back to the doctor because Eric and I just did not think he was getting better...and we were right. We saw our regular pediatrician this time and he said that we had not improved at all. Evan still had two bad ear infections, a very congested cough, and lots of congestion. He told us to keep him on all of his medicines that we were given on Sunday but that we also needed to give him breathing treatments to help break up the cough.
He has been a super great patient and is very good while he gets a treatment. Tonight we gave him one while he was sleeping in his daddy's lap and he never even knew what was going on. Eric's mom and I are taking him back in the morning so they can make sure he is improving.
We are headed to Mt. Pleasant in the morning for Evan's appointment at 9:00 and then Eric and I will go to Dallas tomorrow afternoon to check on Eden at 2:45. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!

Getting our breathing treatment.
Taking some of our medicine.
He has been a super great patient and is very good while he gets a treatment. Tonight we gave him one while he was sleeping in his daddy's lap and he never even knew what was going on. Eric's mom and I are taking him back in the morning so they can make sure he is improving.
We are headed to Mt. Pleasant in the morning for Evan's appointment at 9:00 and then Eric and I will go to Dallas tomorrow afternoon to check on Eden at 2:45. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!
Getting our breathing treatment.
Taking some of our medicine.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Our Wild Weekend!
Saturday around 1:00 Eric and I let Toby and Tucker outside to play and go to the bathroom. In a little bit we saw them running way out in the pasture behind our house playing. They do this sometimes and usually come back shortly so we were not to worried. However, in little bit Eric and I became concerned because we could not get them to come when we yelled for them. I got in the car and started looking for them. After about an hour, I found Toby walking down the road about a half mile from our house but Tucker was no where to be found. Eric and I both looked for him for a couple of hours and then called our parents to help.
We were very scared because it is not like Tucker to run away from the house. He is a home body and is a Momma's boy. We were also very surprised that he was not with Toby because he usually will not get very far away from him. He loves his bubba very much!
We all looked for him until dark and decided that we could not do anything else tell the next day. Eric left some food and water on the back porch for him in case he came home during the night. Neither one of us slept very well that night and were very worried about him. When we got up the next morning, he still was not back. Eric, Evan and I started looking for him about 7:00 Sunday morning and still had no luck. At this point, Eric and I were thinking that we might not be able to find him. Also, on Sunday morning Eric's mom made 125 fliers to put in mailboxes around our house. Then a little after 12:00, my parents, grandparents, brother, cousin and Eric's mom started looking for him and putting out the fliers.
Also, during this time on Sunday morning Evan started to get very congested and was not acting like he felt well at all. Eric and I decided that we needed to take him to the doctor. Thank goodness the doctor we use is open on Sundays, what a blessing! We look him in about 2:00 to the doctor and you could tell he was feeling worse and worse. First, the doc came in and checked him over and said he had an ear infection in both ears. Poor Baby! He also wanted to take blood to check to see if he had RSV. We were praying he did not have RSV but did know it was going around really bad. When the doc came back in, he said his RSV test was NEGATIVE! Thank goodness but he did have two ear infections and a upper respiratory infection. We were sent home with two prescriptions, instruction to use a vaporizer and vics vapor rub and to have him sleep elevated in his bed.
As of today, he is still very congested but seems to feel a little better. I called the doctor back today and they said it was going to take 7 to 10 days for him to get over all his congestion. We are just praying he gets over it quicker and we get our happy, healthy baby back! I have also been home sick the past couple of days with a sinus infection. On Monday my OBGYN called me in a prescription that was safe for me and the baby so I hope I feel much better soon!
Right now, I am very thankful for a well husband who is very helpful and family who helps whenever I need them. My mom has been taking care of Evan and I during the day and Eric has been taking care of us at night!
NOW! If you are wondering, we did find Tucker! Thank you Lord! When we were at the doctor with Evan a lady called me to say she thought he had been at her house since Saturday afternoon. She said he was a great dog that loved to go inside. I called home and my dad went to pick him up. He was super tired from his adventure but very glad to be home and see his family! We are very thankful that Eric's mom made the fliers so the lady could read it and call us with such wonderful news! I know not everyone is a dog person but we love our dogs just like they are part of our family.
Eric and I are very thankful that Tucker is home and our sweet baby is hopefully on the mend.
We were very scared because it is not like Tucker to run away from the house. He is a home body and is a Momma's boy. We were also very surprised that he was not with Toby because he usually will not get very far away from him. He loves his bubba very much!
We all looked for him until dark and decided that we could not do anything else tell the next day. Eric left some food and water on the back porch for him in case he came home during the night. Neither one of us slept very well that night and were very worried about him. When we got up the next morning, he still was not back. Eric, Evan and I started looking for him about 7:00 Sunday morning and still had no luck. At this point, Eric and I were thinking that we might not be able to find him. Also, on Sunday morning Eric's mom made 125 fliers to put in mailboxes around our house. Then a little after 12:00, my parents, grandparents, brother, cousin and Eric's mom started looking for him and putting out the fliers.
Also, during this time on Sunday morning Evan started to get very congested and was not acting like he felt well at all. Eric and I decided that we needed to take him to the doctor. Thank goodness the doctor we use is open on Sundays, what a blessing! We look him in about 2:00 to the doctor and you could tell he was feeling worse and worse. First, the doc came in and checked him over and said he had an ear infection in both ears. Poor Baby! He also wanted to take blood to check to see if he had RSV. We were praying he did not have RSV but did know it was going around really bad. When the doc came back in, he said his RSV test was NEGATIVE! Thank goodness but he did have two ear infections and a upper respiratory infection. We were sent home with two prescriptions, instruction to use a vaporizer and vics vapor rub and to have him sleep elevated in his bed.
As of today, he is still very congested but seems to feel a little better. I called the doctor back today and they said it was going to take 7 to 10 days for him to get over all his congestion. We are just praying he gets over it quicker and we get our happy, healthy baby back! I have also been home sick the past couple of days with a sinus infection. On Monday my OBGYN called me in a prescription that was safe for me and the baby so I hope I feel much better soon!
Right now, I am very thankful for a well husband who is very helpful and family who helps whenever I need them. My mom has been taking care of Evan and I during the day and Eric has been taking care of us at night!
NOW! If you are wondering, we did find Tucker! Thank you Lord! When we were at the doctor with Evan a lady called me to say she thought he had been at her house since Saturday afternoon. She said he was a great dog that loved to go inside. I called home and my dad went to pick him up. He was super tired from his adventure but very glad to be home and see his family! We are very thankful that Eric's mom made the fliers so the lady could read it and call us with such wonderful news! I know not everyone is a dog person but we love our dogs just like they are part of our family.
Eric and I are very thankful that Tucker is home and our sweet baby is hopefully on the mend.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My New Toy!
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