Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blessing Multiply Again!

Yesterday, August 21, we got the call from Christian Homes to say we have been selected by a birth mother and birth father. Our baby is due on October 12th and


We know that the baby is healthy and the birth mother has taken very good care of herself and the baby during the pregnancy. God is so good! We have been praying specifically for the birth mother to make healthy choices during her pregnancy.

Leisa, one of our caseworker, said that she received the call we had been selected just a few minutes before Eric called and told Leisa I was pregnant. How amazing! The birth mother does know that I am pregnant and she says, "Great, they can be close!"

We are very blessed and so thankful for what God has been planning for our life. God's plan for our family is so much better than we could have ever planned ourselves.


  1. Yea! Yea! Yea! Congratulations! October is a GREAT month!

  2. Whoo-Hoo! Super excited for y'all!

    (And yes, October is a wonderful month!!) ;-)

  3. WOW! One blessing after another! I am praying for you, Mandy and for the birthmother of our precious baby boy! HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!


If this is your first time to the blog..Read: We are Expecting!