Saturday, we celebrated Evan's 2
nd Birthday. We decorated the party with Fire Engines and held our celebration at the City Park!
We used red, white and black as our colors with an assortment of fire engines as most of the decorations.
I made red velvet cupcakes for dessert and added a few homemade cupcake toppers for decoration.
Everyone had a fire hat to wear and since we were at the park there were lots of activities to keep us busy!
Evan loved his birthday shirt and fireman boots. I think he would wear them everyday if I would let him.
We actually washed the shirt on Sunday night so he could wear it again on Sunday morning to church and YES...
he did wear his fireman boots to church too.
But don't worry...
Eden had a shirt made for Evan's party too. We didn't want her to feel left out!
She was very excited because her
shirt had a puppy on it.
When she put on the shirt she said, "Puppy, Woof, Woof!"
Throughout the day she would point to the puppy and say it again... just in case we forgot what it was!
Evan waited very
patiently for his presents. Actually, after the first couple he was not very interested anymore.
He just wanted us to let him play with the ones he had already opened. But when he opened his first present he looked pretty excited
and said to me, "We didn't have to pay for it!" At least we know he is learning that most things cost money!
Sissy was very content to watch her
Bubba. Also notice... She has another pair of someone
else's flip flops on.
She is a shoe
But Evan was probably most excited that he BEST FRIEND came to his birthday party!
He loves her so so much and she is so wonderful with him!
Gosh! We love that Girl!
We can't believe he is 2 years old already! Time sure does fly by.
We hope you have a wonderful birthday
Bubba! We love you!