We can't believe that Eden is 2 1/2 months old. She is growing so fast and learning so many new things. Yesterday, my mom and I took her to get her 2 month shots. I know they need them but I just hate when my babies have to get those things. The shots never bothered Evan to much but Eden has had a rough time. Since she got the shots she has had a fever and not felt well at all. Her fever is down some this morning and she seems to be on the mend. We are very happy she is getting better because it is no fun to see your baby feel bad!
She did get a GREAT check-up. She weights 13.12 oz. and is 22.25 in. long. The doctor said she is in the 90
th percentile. So, her daddy's name for her fits her well....his little Plump Muffin!

I already don't like to see how much I weigh.

Waiting for the doctor...I was super happy at this point!

Ouch! These things do not feel good!

Mommy makes me all better.
I know exactly what you mean. I've always disliked shot days! Good thing they get them all while they are little and won't remember. :)