On Friday's much-welcomed rainy morning, we ventured to Tyler to the Christian Homes regional office for our interviews. This visit was to be merely an opportunity for our case workers to get to meet and know us personally. We arrived at the office just a few minutes before 9:30. We were expecting to be interviewed by only one of the case workers, one at a time, which would have put us leaving the Tyler office around 11:30. When we arrived, however, we were informed that we would be interviewed simultaneously, Mandy by Kara and myself by Leisa to save some time. Mandy's nervous anxiety regarding the interviews vanished in a matter of minutes. Being nervous never crossed my mind...I was just excited about this being the next step in the process. So for the next hour, we informed Leisa and Kara about:
How we arrived at where we are now in the process of adopting our first child
Favorite childhood memories
Traumatic childhood memories
Family members including siblings, parents, and grandparents
How we are similar to/different from each of our parents
How we were disciplined as a child
Involvement in church as a child
Our college experiences and achievements
Moving away from our childhood home
Leisa and Kara recorded by hand all of our answers to each question they offered our way....poor Leisa. On page after page, they recorded facts and notes about who we are as individuals and the events/people that helped to shape and mold us along our way. At one point, Leisa told me that I have a VERY unique background and story. Really??? If there ever was a blended family, it would have to be the one I come from!!! Mandy and Kara completed their session about 10-15 minutes before we did, but continued to discuss the next steps in our adoption process. Thank you, Kara, for alleviating my wife's anxiety about the home study in regards to our in-progress home-renovation...she assured her that it's not an issue for the home study!

Before we left, we set the schedule for our home study....August 4th at 10 am. Just TWO weeks away! This will be the final step before we are simply waiting to be selected by a birthmother. Once the home study is wrapped up and all corresponding paperwork is finalized, we could be selected in a matter of hours or a matter of months. Kara told Mandy that the last 3 couples she has helped have all been selected for a baby before the paperwork was completed!!! So, if the cards fall just right, this process could result in a baby fairly quickly! That is SO exciting to think about! Regardless of the timing, Mandy and I rest in the fact that this is the Lord's plan for us. EVERY step in this process has affirmed that and has encouraged us to keep going. Are we anxious? ABSOLUTELY! But we balance that anxiety with a patience that waits expectantly on His perfect timing!
After we left the agency, we stopped by to see my baby sister, Sarah, at her apartment. As soon as we walked in the door, MTV's "16 and Pregnant" was airing. Neither Mandy nor I had seen this show before, but the mention of adoption quickly captured our attention. This particular "episode" captured a teenage couple's decision to place their unborn baby for adoption, their selection of an adoptive family through a Christian adoption agency, the birth of the child, and the legal transfer of the baby from biological parents to the adoptive parents. This show moved me emotionally far more than I expected it to. It was such a close representation of what our experience will likely resemble. Though very exciting and joyful for us and our family, this is going to be quite an emotional journey as we also grieve for the birthmother/father.
Oh, and for the record, we now have a carseat and stroller for our baby....I think we've now got the essentials covered until we get home from the hospital!