On Good Friday my mom brought the kiddos to my class Easter party and they had a GREAT time. Evan and Eden both love to be outside so they were in their element. Once they realized that the eggs were filled with candy...they would not hunt anymore.....they just wanted to see what was in the eggs that they had.
Hunting eggs and seeing bunnies and baby chicks during Easter is fun for any child but Eric and I feel it is very important to teach our children to real reason for Easter. Here are a few stories that show us that our two little ones are already learning the real meaning.
If you are ever around Evan you know that he is quite a talker. He can say just about anything, his vocabulary is very extensive and his voice is very clear. Well, for a while when you ask him "Who Died on the Cross?" he will answer, "Jesus!" Now, he will also tell you that "Jesus is Alive!" Also, this past week a lady was talking to him in
Wal-Mart and asking him if he could talk...he looks up at her and says, "Jesus Loves Me!" the lady (looking very
surprised) says, "Yes, he does."
Eden does not talk near as much as Evan but sometimes she
surprises us. My parents have a display of crosses above their bed that the kids are
fascinated with and after her bath the other night she looks up at the crosses and says, "Oh Jesus!" just as plain as ever.
Eric and I
believe that it is very
important to begin teaching your children about Jesus from the very beginning... and as you can see from the stories above that even though they are small they are not to little to learn about Jesus' LOVE!