At 6:20 am, last Thursday morning, Eric and I arrived with Evan at Medical City Dallas for his ear tube procedure. We have been battling ear infections for several months and were happy for our little boy to finally get so relief! As you can see from the picture, when we arrived Evan was very happy and enjoyed playing with his favorite friend, Spot.
We were taken back to a room where we changed Evan into his tiger hospital gown and the nurse prepped him for his procedure. The nursing staff commented on how happy he was to not have had anything to eat since the night before.
They came and took him back around 7:30 and by 7:40 they were all finished with him. We waited for him while in recovery and then he was brought to us until we were able to head home.
By 8:45 am we were on the road home. He was fussy for the first 30 minutes or so but after that was a very happy little boy. Since then he is doing great! We are very thankful for Dr. Hahn and Jesus Christ for taking great care of our little boy on that day.
*On a side note, I know my goal was to update at least every other day but...our computer DIED! I will try and get back on track now so expect more updates more frequently.